API Reference

Featured Projects

Explore some of the projects built by developers in our Chimoney community.

  1. Instant Airtime Redemption Page

  • This is a streamlined redeeming process for airtime that allows users to redeem Chimoney directly to airtime via a specific mobile number quickly.
  1. Payout using Chimoney Twitter Bot

  • This implementation allows you to initiate a payout with the API from a Twitter comment using a twitter bot with a simple command.
  1. Payout Gift Card

  • This allows you to send a gift card using the API with ease.
  1. Perform MoMo payout via the API.

  • This is a mini project to demonstrate the integration of the mobile money payout functionality using the API.
  1. Perform Bank payout via the API.

  • A mini project to demonstrate the integration of bank payout using the React framework.
  1. Paypaddy

  • A React web app that utilizes multiple endpoints of the API to enable a variety of payouts including Bank, Airtime, Mobile Money, and gift card payouts.
  • This is a gifting platform that allows users to perform Bank, Airtime, and Mobile Money payouts via the API.
  • An interactive map representation of supported countries and services supported by Chimoney.